Monday 9 November 2015

Welcome to Grade 4! 2015-2016 School Year

The students in our class have settled into routines nicely and are hard at work! The following outlines some of the curriculum and programs that we are currently working on.


Over the past few weeks, students have been working through the process of writing a report on an endangered species. After examining the features of non-fiction reports (such as headings, photographs, captions, glossary etc.), students began researching, making jot notes, and creating prezi’s or flip-books of their findings. Presentations began on Friday of last week, and continue this week. So far they are very interesting and informative! Next week, we will begin our “Reading Workshop” whereby students will rotate through language centres, one of which is guided reading with the teacher.


We are working on patterning. Students have been identifying and creating patterns with two or more changing attributes and describing how they change. Students also need to be able to extend increasing and decreasing number patterns, and state pattern rules. A big part of this unit is being able to use T-charts to solve problems, some of which involve growing and shrinking patterns.

Social Studies

We have begun our Canada unit. Students need to know the provinces and territories, as well as the capital cities. We will be learning about the different regions and what they have to offer in terms of industry.

Reading Across Canada

As you are likely aware by now, students are reading their way across Canada for our home reading program. For every 200 minutes students read, they receive $5 class cash, and can move on to the next province or territory. One student has already completed the entire country and has begun again!

Roots of Empathy

This is a wonderful program designed to teach empathy to children through observing the emotions and growth and changes of a baby. Our class met our baby “Avery” last week. She was 10 weeks old at that visit, was 58cm tall and weighed 12 pounds. Avery and her mom Lisa will visit our class every 3 weeks throughout the school year. Mrs. Young, the Roots of Empathy teacher, will visit every Thursday to discuss Avery and conduct activities around empathy. Our class was very fortunate to be selected to take part in this exciting and unique learning experience!

A few reminders…

  • Gym is on Day 1 and Day 3
  • Please sign and return all tests
  • Book orders - cheques only please

Rather than sending out monthly newsletters, I will be updating our class blog. This way I can include photos and links to helpful websites etc. To get to the blog, visit the Admiral website and click on classes and then Mrs. Hale. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school or by email ( if you have any questions or concerns. Please continue to use the agenda to communicate time sensitive information such as a change in home time arrangements, as I usually check my email after school.


Mrs. Hale